Bodyscans Testimonials The combination of Bodyscan and Q.R.A. () exceeds anything else identified by the Best Health Way Of Life | |||
The Best Shortcuts Approach and Best Health Way Of Life,
in all of their gorgeously interactive pleasure and splendor,
are tools, not answers to your challenges, but tools for your use.
Like a hammer on the shelf that cannot bang nails into a wall without you,
The Best Shortcuts Approach and must be picked up.
Best shortcuts for this and best shortcuts for that,
Learn to pull shortcuts from your sleeve or your hat.
Shortcuts exist in every feat of our lives,
shortcuts of grandmas, husbands and wives.
Longshoremen, dancers, dilettante romancers,
all are using shortcuts to find better answers.
Use your great shortcuts, the best that you have,
use them with pride to brighten your lives.
There is no shame in shortcuts,
there is no game in shortcuts,
they simply provide us
with passage through doorways.
Grounded eagles, corporate thieves,
angelic doctors, pontifical proctors,
all use shortcuts to achieve their means,
action trumps the fiction of your hill of beans.
It all comes to naught when it's you that you serve,
wake up use your shortcuts if you still have the nerve.
Through all things human within our lives and without,
you'll find yourself using shortcuts, without any doubt.
Just use them for all, spreading waves of devotion.
for shortcuts prevent the solipsitic notion.
Shortcuts and secrets, shortcuts and more,
you will find your best shortcuts
pry open that door.
Another Mr-Shortcut creation for the Best Shortcuts Approach and the Best Health Way Of Life.