Welcome to the largest and hopefully prettiest and most informative web site on the internet. One million pages plus, built | altered | edited | refined | uploaded | promoted by one pair of hands. Investing 1,600 days to build the Masters and Millionaire empire for you was a pleasure. MrShortcut's one thousand websites produce many thousands of clicks to feed (no cost to you) the starving people of the world. Owning a great piece of art can never compare to investing thousands of your own minutes trying to paint beautiful art. I could never understand how people can be fascinated by watching OTHER people earning fifty thousand dollars per day. The so-called loyalty of fans is very funny, because it is predicated exclusively upon the dollar enrichment of companies and their employees, called athletes. You settle for watching OTHER people earning stupendous sums to sing or to dance, and you pay your baseball players far more than your teachers You personally fail to retain up to ninety percent of your discretionary expenditures, and much of your non-discretionary funds. When you purchase a nationally-advertised item, a quarter of every dollar, off the top,(!) goes to executives and advertising. How foolish is it to spend seven to seventy times what an item can be sold at profit for? Do you realize that a dollar doughnut cost a penny to make? You pay 100x the cost of something? Consider the same in diamonds. Speak a bit less. Think more. Then act. You are the purpose of the Best Shortcuts Approach, and of the Best Health Way Of Life What you do... ... speaks so loudly . . . . . . we can hardly hear a word you say. Today is assured of becoming more exciting, more adventurous, more event-filled, more opportunities present... when you choose to stop embracing your recent efforts and results so mediocre, to become more excited first. As simple as the child's dare, "You go first!," the Best Shortcuts Approach is about as useful, and active... ... as you are Shhh. Stop forming opinions, using that poorly-invested energy into learning as much information as you possibly can. Form your opinions when you have, not one or two or three, instead, when you have M A N Y facts. Masters and Millionaires Eye Candy Tour1 100grand 2cents 32000 911day2 Acoustic Cardiograph After Age14success All-Quit-Smoking-Hotlinks Altlink Asking AskRight Attitude Ayn ayurvedic-Medicine Ballerina Bartender Beatthemasters BenRich Besttest Billionaires Billions Biosyntony 4 Biosyntony5 Biosyntony6 Biosyntony-Overview Body1 Bodyscan Bodyscan2010 Boost Boss Braintuner Breath-Of-Life Brian Calorie Chart Failure Carol Chelation2 Chiropractic Closing Curing Colds Compmastery Computer shortcuts1 Computer shortcuts2 Computer shortcuts3 Computer shortcuts4 Corrupt1 Critics Criticss Crossbenjamin Culture Current Cybernetic Dampen DateWith |