Biosyntony ® is addressed to, and is useful to, each of us. Many tensions due to the stresses of modern life - physical along with psychological - tend to crystallize in the body of the individual. Biosyntony helps the body to "de-crystalize" or dissolve such tight clumps and masses of stress, significantly empowering each of us to promote joy and serenity within onesself.
acts by literally adjusting the lines of energy within the body itself. This gives us the capacity to start the processes which lead to greater balance and well-being. the effects of Biosyntony go in-depth and allow a release of the person as well on the physique plans as psychic by the handing-over in phase of its own energies with cosmic and telluric energies of the moment present.
Biosyntony is practised lengthened, sitted or upright using ceramics in the shape of medallions or ovoid. Developed by Pierre Nicolas, these energy ceramics (catalysts), have the property to restore the fundamental biological frequencies of the person.
This use of the ceramics is very easy: they are placed either on the body or around the following body of the diagrams simple to implement. these diagrams are directed towards the cardinal points so that the person finds her fundamental reference frames: the energy of the Earth and that of the Sun.
Thus Man is returned to a more natural cycle, with his own energies rebalanced to those of his natural environmental support: this is Biosyntony
Who can benefit from Biosyntony?
People experiencing either momentary discomfort or chronic physical pain, and those with emotional challenges and pain.
The people who wish to optimize the work of their medical doctors by associating their conventional medical treatment with the energy therapy; those who determine to work on themselves,
Those people in good health and who take a step of evolution, so to speak,
Various doctors, Psychotherapists and
Therapeutists .
To benefit fully from the steps suggested, it is significant to understand that the person is a whole and that there is a need to work on the self, a desire to create an improvement.
To return the body's energy meridians back to where they belong
To release self from disturbing information
To eliminate waste, overloads and tensions, including toxins
To transmute energies of stress more productively/positively
Réa stronger biological environment
To rebalance the energy circuits
To be well in both body and brain
To generate the harmony and serenity in oneself and around oneself
To raise one's personal level of consciousness
The Biosyntonic Relaxation Table
Ayurvedic Medicine
Acoustic Cardiograph
Stress I
Curing Colds
BodyScan Newspaper Article I
Rife Technology
Doctors II
Herbal Medicine
Herbal Medicine II
Natural Pain Relief Breath of Life
Pain Relief
Masters and Millionaires
Mineral Infrared Therapy
Mineral Infrared Therapy Theory
YOUR Medical Dollars
Newspaper Article
Flower Essence Therapy
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathy II
Oxygen Therapy
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In Memory of Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, obm, and a dedicated student, known to many as MrShortcut
No empowerment web site could be complete without acknowledging the enormously positive influence brought by Paul Newman, who's given over a hundred million dollars in profits to feeding hungry people. Thank you, sir.
Biosyntony | Best Shortcuts Approach
See for yourself the benefits of biosyntony.
To better live in the medium of electromagnetic pollution at home thanks to Androlys: individual system of converting electromagnetic pollution.
Balancing energy meridians with highly effective, proven techniques.
Treatment of the Bolts of the Heart: to raise blockings
Stimulation and regulation of the circuits of vitality.
Restoration of the properties of the Air to fill the needs for the person, in her physical functions and symbolic systems.
Approach Chinese Traditional Medicine: Presentation of the meridian lines of acupuncture, chronobiology of the circulation of energy, Study of the law of the 5 elements
Experimentation of Omphalys: it is a generator of energy which organizes and rebalances that which circulates in the meridian lines according to the quality of the 5 elements (without needle). So many hospital and other medical patients who'd gotten little or no relief enjoyed fantastic relief as a result of this excellent methodology.
The second phase of the cycle is that of the circulation of the energy which was released during the first cycle. Life is movement.
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