Bodyscan - part of the Best Shortcuts Approach, with Mr-ShortcutThis is your life and your health. You must take control back,
because the decisions you make today -- or let someone else make today --
as often as not determine how long you live and how well you live.

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Bodyscan 2010 - Most accurate biofeedback device invented thus far


Bodyscan has already begun to have significant and permanent impact on modern-day attitudes about medicine and health care.

Without treating or even diagnosing, Bodyscan is far more accurate than even a group of expert diagnosticians! That doesn't mean it takes the place of professional medical advice' it's silly to think otherwise. It works WITH the expert advice of your primary health care provider.

How can something be more accurate than a group of expert humans? That part's easy enough: the mathematics of electric, the system that our entire bodies are indisutably based upon. Did you know, for example, that there is enough electrical power in your body to power up an entire city?

Nearly countless hundreds of thousands of feet of the most exquisitely precise wiring that runs through your body, maintaining communications levels internally. With a body scan, particiarly with Phazx's no-longer manufactured Bodyscan2010 or QXCI or SpectraVision device, we get to tap into the human body's electrical communication systems to see how each organ and bit of tissue responds to each known substance.

Using galvanic skin resistance to measure your particular sensitivity to many thousands of substances, the Bodyscan, particularly the Phazx Bodyscan2010, and the newer SpectraVision, is exquisitely accurate.

Every human is different. Each of us responds differently to any given substance, whether it's natural or synthetic. Some people take a particular prescription drug and die or get very sick. Other people have little observable response to those same medications.

Molds, bacteria, toxins, internal parasites, and so much more; each one affecting us, all of them affecting us individually. These invaders are much easier to deal with when we know exactly which ones we are most affected by. The Bodyscan addresses this two ways.

  • Measuring your precise sensitivities -- Each part of your body has an identifiable response to every known sensory or substance input. Even substances and sounds, colors and smells, are nothing more than sensory input that our bodies decode and identify electronically. The 48,000 high-tech fibers in your ears identify sounds by the tone and pitch of the electronic signals that you and I call "sounds." Each organ has its own set of responses to each substance, whereas the liver may respond quite differently to a substance than, say, the heart or brain. Each organ has its own set of reception facilities to attempt decoding of the intenet of any and every substance that is ever introduced to that organ. Those organs or particular tissues respond most severely to specific external influences. That puts YOUR individual system out of whack. The skilled Bodyscan operator knows hundreds of "results" relating directly and specifically to your particular sensitivities, and can then make recommendations on the best course of action to regain your natural state of being healthy and balanced.

  • Biofeedback relaxation therapy - Knowing which part of the body to focus upon provides the single most identifiable, repeatable method of regaining natural health and balance.

    People delighted at the accuracy

    Most people don't even need to tell Dr. Cohen (or virtually any other competent Bodyscan or SpectraVision operator) what's bothering them. No hocus pocus; just highly advanced technology and thirty-plus years of study and wisdom. By looking at the numbers on the Bodyscan, seeing which parts of the body are sensitive to what substance or other external influence, Dr. Cohen routinely asks people if they have been "having a problem with _______________." Again and again, people are delighted at the accuracy. Most of the credit for this goes to nearly ten decades since Dr. Royal Raymond Rife invented along with the world's most powerful electron microscope a unique approach to disease, basically matching every damaging electrical impulse with equal and opposite electrical impulses that healed even cancer in one hundred percent of the rats and humans that Rife technology was applied to.

    By and large, the advances in the many years that have passed allow us to basically look inside the human system, determine what's out of whack, and then correct it. In the case of competent naturopathic doctors, the corrections are best pursued with natural means, rather than synthetic. It's safer, healthier, and promotes living younger for longer periods of time.

    The Bodyscan has proven itself to be one of the five or six most useful devices in any of the health fields, and certainly the most accurate biofeedback device available today. Although the device itself runs above $35,000, the operation of the Bodyscan is inexpensive, and is likely to replace synthetic pharmaceuticals for a majority of Americans. Whether the FDA promotes this device, which must surely replace billions of dollars of pharmaceuticals at some point, or whether the FDA prefers the more expensive path of pharmaceutical drugs, remains to be seen.

    Considering the number of charlatans and incompetents both in conventional medicine as well as natural, the FDA must move slowly and cautiously to protect the public interest. It's one of the few organs of government that has the power to help people hugely. Hopefully, the FDA will indeed examine results in effectiveness rather than results in dollars. That is the greatest legacy they can give us.

    The Bodyscan measures our precise sensitivity to over 16,000 substances, toxins, and more in the human body. Tells you what is doing and where, and by how much. It's fair to describe the Bodyscan2010 - as well as the newer and perhaps faster SpectraVision -- as "next generation" biofeedback equipment. Made by Phazx, there are nearly a thousand doctors and naturopaths in the US who operate full-time Bodyscans. It has to be admitted that there's something compelling about a device that can tell us what's wrong and why without diagnosing, without even mentioning specific diseases -- only leading us to learn what the problem is, rather than the symptoms. In short, the Bodyscan quickly and effectively ennables a competent practitioner to see what is the healthiest and most effective way to return that part of your body to its natural state.

    It helps to see someone who personally uses what he professes to be most useful. That's not too common. Words can flip and fly, action always speak loudest. Each time we observe someone repeatedly performing with excellence, we can be certain they are using repeatable steps and methods.

    Disorders That Are Not Responding to Surgery or Drugs

    When a seriously ill patient is told by surgeons and other specialists that allopathic medicine has done as much as it can, that there are no other drugs or surgery that would be useful, it's the rare person who doesn't turn to naturopathy, which is still the only branch of medicine that requires no malpractice insurance for obvious reasons.

    When the best techniques used by the richest people throughout human history are still being used by the wealthiest people of this highly advanced generation, it's important to take notice. Closer examination shows the frequency of combining, and the benefits of combining, history's best techniques with the most advanced technology constantly available. "... constantly available" entails ongoing research and continuing development.

    The ability to use technology to gain instantly useful information such as the Bodyscan provides, added to the longest-lasting methods and techniques of those who live younger longer, adds up to individual people making much better, more informed decisions about how long and how well they live.

    Patients who aren't getting relief from drugs and surgery need to take a look at the powerful shortcuts that the rich and famous have been using for about fifty-five centuries

    In the weeks spent in his offices gathering the necessary information to build these health-oriented websites for you, it became obvious that every patient, from housewives and students to both male and female practicing physicians, to people who came to America expressly to be seen by this incredible naturopathic doctor, not a one among them left his office unhappy.

    Even Dr. Yelena Shvarts, (shown just below) a holistic medical doctor practicing in Brooklyn, NY., who entered the office in significant pain, with a limp, virtually skipped out of the office an hour later with the relief apparent on her face and in her body movements.

    Let's face it - when a practicing physician like Dr. Shvarts consults a naturopathic doctor after leaving an emergency room in pain, it represents no small comment on his ability to combine Mankind's successes of the past with ultra-modern technology, which is a large part of what the Bodyscan is all about.
The  BodyScan™2010 has the ability to identify chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and even dental material as well as other toxic materials in the human body.  Over 10,000 substances in 60 categories can be scanned.

The BodyScan™2010 can also determine the energetic level of each and every organ in the body and how well they are functioning.

Bodyscan - What is it?

Bioenergetic Testing utilizes a computer-based instrument which measures the energy of the body using acupressure point readings, providing a new and highly accurate method for
determining the energetic causes of allergives and ailments.

Bioenergetic Testing is the end product of a 40-year evolution in Biological-Energetic/Biofeedback testing. Dr. Voll and Dr. Werner of Germany developed this new approach to good health utilizing a modern computer and a sophisticated program. Relatively new in this country, it is felt by many people to be the most significant breakthrough in health in many years. The technique is understood, accepted, and used widely in other countries, especially Germany, France, England and Canada.

It is based on the Chinese Medical theory that improper energy flow through the acupressure meridians causes energy imbalances in the body. During the past 40 years, doctors have identified the interrelationship between acupressure point measurement and individual organs and tissues. Bioenergetic testing is also very similar to Biofeedback. it has been endorsed by many doctors and dentists in the U.S., including Roy Curtain, Ph.D. of Brigham Young University, Fuller Royal, M.D., Nevada, and John Sinclair, D.D.S., Harrison, Arkansas.

What Can The Bodyscan Do For Me?

  •  Identify chemical, pesticides,herbicides, and other toxic materials in your system(including any problem with dental materials such as mercury).
  •  Determine the energetic level of each and every organ in the body and how well it is functioning.
  • Indicate allergives and foods that are best suited to your specific biochemical make-up (what should be added to or eliminated from your diet).
  • Identify environmental allergives to heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, and other types of allergives to yeast, fungus and molds.
  • Indicate any vitamin or mineral imbalances.

Learn more, that you might live more!
The Best Health Way Of Life urges you to learn the one-second energy test. It WILL amaze you.
You can use it wherever you are, wherever you go. It certainly makes you smarter, and opens doors.

The Bodyscan can conduct over 6,000 individual tests on your body. perhaps more importantly, the machine will automatically indicate what remedies you may need to help you and your doctor correct various problems and deficiencies.

Just How Does The Bodyscan Work?

The computer measures the degree of electrical resistance of the acupressure points, generally the hands and feet. These measurements indicate the balances or imbalances of the various organ systems of the body and can detect low-level reactions in the body. It also indicates which nutritional or homeopathic remedy and the exact potency that will bring about an energy balance. Bioenergetic testing can also monitor the patients progress. There are no side or after-effects with proper use of the eletro-diagnosis and therapy. No piercing of the skin, no discomfort and no electrical impulses are felt during the testing. The only clothing that must be removed are your shoes an stockings. F.D.A. approved, the testing is safe and gentle.

Who Can Enjoy Benefit From Taking A Bodyscan?

Anyone wanting to improve the quality of their health and life, or for more specific uses such as to enhance sports performance. Tennis pro, Martina Navrotilova, has used a less advanced, earlier version of this approach as part of her overall health program under the direction of Dr. Whitcomb, M.D., in Colorado.

What Are The Benefits?

Bioenegetic Testing show any type of energy imbalance in your body and tests for vitamin-mineral deficiencies as well. It will indicate remedies for correction of all energy imbalances.  It takes the guesswork out of what your body needs and can tell you and your doctor more about the current state of your body's health. 

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- Altering Your Most Basic Perceptions

Links For - perhaps the most amazing thing you will ever learn
QRA () has proven to be correct tens of thousands of times in a row!
This test is so magnificently accurate in diagnosis and so much more that it is actually patented.
Twenty thousand M.D.'s gathered together cannot possibly tell you what one QRA practitioner does.
There is absolutely no guesstimating or poking or prodding or "maybe's" - QRA proves true every time.
The Best Health Way Of Life promises you that every human who encounters Q.R.A. is utterly astounded.
No medical test is as perfect, no medical test is as accurate, no medical test is as thoroughly revealing to you.
Best of all, is a simple one-second test that you get to use, freely, for as long as you live.

Learn more, so you can live more. Learn quickly how to use Q.R.A. to test your food, clothes, and literally everything else.
Remember that the Best Health Way Of Life ONLY deals in those natural approaches that work approximately every single time.



Q-R-A Is - Presented By The Best Health Way Of Life

, now proven many tens of thousands of times.   The more educated you are, the more astounded you are likely to be.

Used together with Bodyscan2010 or SpectraVision, proves to be the most comprehensive clinical tool encountered or developed thus far. Medical doctors who care more for service than for money are going to snap Q-R-A up once they understand it.

Nearly a thousand naturopaths and perhaps a couple of hundred medical doctors are getting better and better at Q-R-A

Dr. Cohen has exponentially advanced the work of Dr. Omura and Dr. Marshall. Nothing in the world can measure up to Q-R-A, because is non-invasive and instantaneously proven. Proof is proof, after all.

More Hotlinks and Practitioners

- Acronymic For, Q-R-A is a major game-changer
Q-R-A.US - Everyone experiencing Q-R-A tends to be shocked, especially the most skeptical
title="Beam To The Best Shortcuts Approach and Best Health Way Of Life " - Title says it best, so beam yourself over to this page

"Help yourself... to heal yourself."


and doctors, and doctors, vitals subjects certainly worth addressing.
As more Q-R-A practitioners teach patients to perform bidigital o-ring tests on their own, more doctors can learn to be Q-R-A doctors.

Attend Q-R-A seminars, especially advanced Q-R-A II and Q-R-A III seminars conducted regionally,
mostly in what scientists call a unified field down in Texas, almost in the perfect center of the nation,
and you'll see medical doctors learning alongside of dentists, naturopaths, etc.
The range of Q-R-A practitioners that includes medical doctors is impressive, since Q-R-A can be anti-drug.
Medical doctors can instantly test a patient to see precisely what dosage of drugs is necessary, which is good.
However, what many medical doctors will not like, because they will erroneously think it means less cash for them,
is that there are so many natural substances that are infinitely, even exponentially better for you than pharmaceuticals.
When a practitioner in California or a Q-R-A practitioner in New York or Georgia or anywhere,
suggests that you use an inexpensive bottle of natural chlorella or allicium, etcetera: All are safe, natural, and healthy

are you going to say,
"Heck no, give me pharmaceuticals which are pharmaceutical only because they are too dangerous for OTC?"

The Best Health Way Of Life does not think so. is about the safest way to fix what we break.

Learn more to increase and often multiply the quality and quantity of your Longevity, by learning how to do Q-R-A

Dr. Cohen is quite likely the most efficient, rapid, and, without exception several thousand times in a row,
the most accurate, and certainly the fastest Q-R-A practitioner anywhere in a world of Q-R-A practitioners.

Instant proof, generally within minutes of walking into the office. Instant proof speaks louder than words, true?

Dr. Cohen prefers that you learn how to do your own bidigital o-ring testing, always thankful that Dr. Omura planted seeds with BDORT,
and that you study the works of Dr. Bob Marshall and Dr. Linda Forbes, our modern-day Eve and Marie Curie, innovators extraordinaire.

If your health challenges are serious, and conventional medicine does not seem to be helping,
you have, by your presence on this line of the page, earned five free telephone minutes with a most amazing man.

Vastu Links From The Best Health Way Of Life

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Welcome to among the healthiest websites online,
where YOUR health and wealth are addressed in detail
by the single most well-read human in history,
averaging a book or two per day for more than eighteen thousand days.
The brilliance is NOT found in MisterShortcut's prolifically eager mind;
it is found in his discoveries and studies of the best thinking,
and, much more importantly, the best results of all time.
based on the best role models around us all,
because those who do it better
have a great tendency to know better.


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All rights reserved for those who feed hungrier people.

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Learn to live longer and healthier, stronger and happier... NATURALLY!.
In terms of time, health, aggravation, and more, naturopathy IS eminently more affordable,

Best of all, it's the healthiest way to live younger.... longer.

Today is the best possible day for you to take control of how long and how well you live.

Naturopathic medicine is that branch of medicine which means NO surgery, NO drugs;
healing the human body with substances and items that occur naturally in our natural environment.

Such is The Best Shortcuts Approach,
brought to you by the Godfather of Shortcuts for you to help yourself.

Welcome to the healthiest website in town,

This and all other NewYork Bodyscan sites have been designed by the prolific Mr-Shortcut, the Godfather of Internet EyeCandy


Bodscan and QRA Testing - Best Health Way Of Life Sticks To What Works Best

While Bodyscan by itself is a powerful natural therapy device in and of itself when used by a trained practitioner,
the Best Health Way Of Life asserts that the combination of Bodyscan and QRA testing is literally unbeatable.

The Best Health Way Of Life challenges any and all to identify one paradim known to humans as accurate.
Bodyscan is accurate by itself. QRA testing is exquisitely accurate, more so than any other test known.
Thus, the coordinated use of both Bodyscan and QRA testing is quite likely to impress you the most.
NOTHING succeeds like success. Thousands and thousands of successes.
Learn more, in order to live more, qualitatively if not also quantitatively: 3 new facts per day. and and

are three of many qra sites, presented for you to help you to help yourself, naturally, and effectively.