Best Shortcuts Of Masters and Millionaires, Champions and Billionaires

You ARE The Psychology of Shortcuts

Best Shortcuts often come from the best producers, because best shortcuts sprang them forward from behind,
the hungriest of the hungriest, who became masters and millionaires, each of them proving to be one of a kind.

Fostering the act of imitating words and deeds of masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead,
like asking more people more times each, giving everyone specific reasons to change their minds for you,
the Psychology of Shortcuts that already exists within you rapidly accelerates the upwardness of your results.
Upwardness as in upward-motion, upward-nature, upward-state of mind, where resolution is your primary thought.
When we duplicate the words and actions of masters and champions and millionaires, we tend to imitate their results.
This has not changed for thousands of years, for anyone, and is not going to prove to be an exception in your life, either.
The best of your best can only come out when you have a hunger that is strong enough to elicit the very best within you.
You have been using shortcuts all of your life, only using those shortcuts for major emergencies and for petty issues.
When you buy food or anything else prepared by someone else, you are taking shortcuts, several shortcuts, even.
Even if you never understand most of the underlying science that utterly justifies the Psychology of Shortcuts,
you are certainly capable of imitating the best of the best, specifically seeking to bring out YOUR very best.
What the Psychology of Shortcuts is clearly warranting is that imitating the best of the best is a shortcut,
among the best shortcuts, the fastest and most effective and lucrative shortcuts that masters embrace.
There clearly IS a "best of the best" within you, the Psychology of Shortcuts sees it worth growing.
Accept the Psychology of Shortcuts as your handbook for duplicating masters and millionaires.
Shortcuts can point to more best shortcuts, each repeated secret yielding forth all-new fruits.
Just identify the best of the best, the top ten or top one hundred of what YOU will excel at.
Shortcuts of the best you know, and the shortcuts that help you best to grow, to show.
The Psychology of Shortcuts solicits the best of the best of the very best inside you.

As usual, Psychology of Shortcuts Shapetalk has MULTIPLE secrets of the universe.
At the core, embracing the Psychology of Shortcuts engages delicious reciprocity.
Living the Best Ways For Longevity multiplies the likelihood of getting to enjoy it.
Observe how often the best shortcuts of wealth are the best shortcuts of health.
Notice how often the best shortcuts of health are the best shortcuts of wealth.


Whether you choose to trade currency or stocks, or build a better ___________, or open a business on the side, the secrets of wealth are as close to universal as anything else you are likely to soon encounter. When you aim to do something, it is obvious that imitating those who do it best of all is the best way to get the best results, true enough?

The best shortcut for learning how to be the best at anything is not the undertaking of books, tapes, videos, discs, etc., for that is a series of shortcuts. The best universal shortcut for high-speed acceleration of your performance is to imitate those who are repeatedly doing it better than you. Not to worry, you get to put your imprimatur, your own mark, once you have the recipe down.

You see, if you invest the time and effort to identify many, even dozens - or more - of those people doing it better than you are, the masters and millionaires, the champions and billionaires who outperform most all of us combined, you have access to the greatest treasure trove of effective shortcuts, and, of course, more so for the field of endeavor that each is associate with.

While imitating masters and millionaires and champions and billionaires is among the best of your best shortcuts, it is not the first shortcut, nor is it the first step.

The first step, you will agree, is to first identify those people who are doing it better than you.

The Psychology of Shortcuts tracked more than four dozen of the people and services reputed or claimed as "best stock pickers" and "best in penny stocks." Although four appear to be legimite of 51 stock alert services and newsletters, closer examination showed that only three demonstrate the qualities inherent in any who live a fair and equitable version of the Psychology of Shortcuts, whether they are consciously doing so, or inherently, or even genetically.

A Psychology of Shortcuts cornerstone posits that every human born with the ability to think has the toolbox to identify, and to create, many dozens and scores and even hundreds upon hundreds of excellent shortcuts that effectively constitute their own internal Psychology of Shortcuts. This only applies to people who consciously work at getting better at something every time they set out to do it, instead of doing what 93 or more percent of us do, which is repeat what we did yesterday, while claiming to have a wider experience than is merited.

If ever a paragraph earned your second and-or third notice and attention, please go back and drink that one in again.

One question tells us how viable the Psychology of Shortcuts is for you.

Whatever it is that you do most often, at least several times per week,
are you capable, within the next one or eight hours of your doing it
getting 2%, even 3% or 5% better than the last time you did it?
If so, the Psychology of Shortcuts has terrific news for you:
one percent is enough for Your Psychology of Shortcuts.
By getting one percent better every time, you expand.
Your skills seem like talent, in developing mastery.
Become your best by first identifying the best,
and then imitating them, again and yet again.

Can you count what happens when you repeat that one, two, three percent improvement?
One question that can instantly vault you forwards and upwards, based on what you know how to do.
Identify those doing it best, and imitate those doing it best, and not the people who are only talking about it.
If you do not get it from the horse's mouth, maybe you are spending a bit too much time at the wrong end of the horse.


You ARE The Psychology of Shortcuts
Helping Yourself With Sweeter Shapetalk

The best shortcuts are frequently squeezed out from the best shortcuts of old.
Remonstrate no more upon shortcuts, as long as shortcuts serve in great stead,
demonstrate the best shortcuts among would-be masters, champions, millionaires.
the best shortcuts all fallen by the wayside, no time seems to be, to learn is not free.
Shortcuts from the best of the best of their best, presuming to teach how to all the rest.
If you are going to be, universally, the banquet of knowledge that might well terrify thee,
we understand that your use of the Psychology of Shortcuts, will likely replicate their results.
When we imitate the actions of masters and champions, we prove again to imitate their results.
Allow the Psychology of Shortcuts to be YOUR guidebook for replicating masters and champions.
Shortcuts can confound those who avoid the best shortcuts, repetition being mother to skill of us all.
So, listen to Anthony Robbins, or Shakespeare, Sun Tzu or good old Zig Ziglar or Waitley,
inspiration is quite fine, but cannot compare, to the raw sweet power of perspiration daily.
Whence the best shortcuts come is the path of masters and millionaires and champions and billionaires.
Soliciting the best of your results is inevitably a direct result of successfully soliciting your best efforts.
One percent improvement with each of your repetitive acts, what you do repeatedly, gets profound.
Even if only for 10, 20, or 30 days, run with the Psychology of Shortcuts as fast and far as you can.
Sprint with the fullest, the honestly best of your efforts, and will see the very best of your results.


You ARE The Psychology of Shortcuts
Helping Yourself With Sweeter Shapetalk

The Psychology of Shortcuts cannot fail to work for us, we can only fail to work the Psychology of Shortcuts.
You already knew a number of life's best shortcuts before you ever stepped food into a formal classroom.
Use more of the best shortcuts, and we will see more of the best that you are capable of delivering.
Welcome to your personal corner of the Psychology of Shortcuts and Best Ways For Longevity.


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Roll with what you already know to be true, or believe to be true:

You ARE the Psychology of Shortcuts.

Within all of your shortcuts within the Psychology of Shortcuts, you will find some especially for you,
your repetition of the Psychology of Shortcuts, has a wonderful habit of displaying YOUR truth.
When you keep practicing your Psychology of Shortcuts, in all you must repeat many times,
the mastery within you builds up, adding on, like childhood pennies, nickels and dimes,

Best shortcuts develop deeper best shortcuts, since the best shortcuts must come to your mind,
remediating the best shortcuts is like fixing the wind, shortcuts keep you from being left behind.



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Terrific sponsors buy cups of food for starving folks for free clicks at TheHungerSite (no relation).
Clicking this food button and the one that appears, a dying life is saved... no charge to you.

Can there be a sweeter function or sweeter shortcut for the Psychology of Shortcuts ?

we know it is not possible to act without engaging equal and opposite effect, right?

Let's use Newton's Third Law of Physics for a most wonderful application:
saving lives of people who are dying horribly from lack of food.

The best in you begins by placing your mind into your best, favorite states.
Stop wasting time majoring in minors. Let's start using shortcuts immediately.
For example, each day of your life has a certain number of fully wasted minutes,
minutes you can reclaim immediately for far more useful investment on your behalf.
Every time you get into a conversation with someone, take note of what you speak about.
When you find yourself outside of the zone that's most useful to you, shorten your chat.
Wise people discuss ideas, average people discuss events, mediocre people discuss other people.

That's a fantastic place to start, because talking about other people has little profit.
That doesn't mean you eliminate every minute of just unwinding with a bit of gab.
What it does mean is a reduction of minutes that are perfectly wasteful.
While "perfect" is a nice word, "wasteful" is not quite so.
Most of your minutes are yours to do with as you wish.
By trimming wasteful minutes just a few at a time,
you instantly reap more minutes to wisely use.
Let's make this change effective right now.
Every conversation, keep this in focus.
Every conversation, trim a minute.
This alone returns, over time,
many thousands of minutes.
Think you could use them?
Use your best shortcuts,
and see your results.
Best of YOUR best.


Best Of The Best With The Psychology of Shortcuts

Shortcuts, remember, is why we come here,
and shortcuts is what we need to always keep dear.
With shortcuts in your locket, or tucked inside your pocket,
you will lauch your greatest effort and climb higher than a rocket.

The Psychology of Shortcuts is a state of mind already alive within you.
Health & wealth are two subsets of excellence living strictly hand in hand.
The Best Ways For Longevity is about imitating those who live stronger longer.


Shortcuts vye for you, shortcuts will guide you,
shortcuts will neither disappoint nor deride you.
Shortcuts do not judge or discern good from bad,
and probably wouldn't if they could or even had.

Shortcuts are here to help you get further along,
with shortcuts you know that you cannot go wrong.
For shortcuts have been handed down by the masters,
who first lived your issues... ... with the self-same disasters.

Shortcuts, akin to rice, are meant to entice,
leading each of us to something much better;
so jump into shortcuts, remembering always,
follow each shortcut successfully to the letter.

Add your own flavor, please, only AFTER you get,
all that your dreams do not allow you to forget.
First follow the patterns, of those who do best,
you will always do better,
and more than the rest.




Psychology of Shortcuts
Best Of The Best In Shapetalk

The best shortcuts show us how to outperform the rest,
because these great secrets are from the best of the best.
Those who outdo both me and you, know the truth, doing is proof.
Incite from within, the best you can offer, that is a test, what you proffer.
Bringing out what's mediocre, you lose at Life's game of poker, do not be a toffer.
See what's inside, what you've chosen to hide, bring it up to the light for an ultimate ride.
The Psychology of Shortcuts wants to help you to help yourself, empowering you to empower yourself.
If you wish to enjoy the best of life, you need to first elicit the best of the best from within your deepest wishes.


The Psychology of Shortcuts, eternally and preternaturally bringing out the best of YOUR best.



This is one of approx 2,389 front pages crafted for you by MisterShortcut for the Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity.
If you grasp the reality that excellence is not going to happen in your life by accident, that it is truly up to YOUR hunger and efforts,
you will find within the millions of unique pages springing forth from the Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity,
shortcuts   more shortcuts, touted as the greatest shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires.
When you engage your Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity, they tend to constantly reciprocate.

Awakening the Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity in YOU, life gets better and better.     and,     and     and more...

... all aimed at helping you to help yourself, with best shortcuts of the best humans

We can get it from the horse's mouth...
... or we can get caught at the wrong end of the horse.

No one gets to be the best of the best of the best by accident.
Shortcuts are important for eliciting our best performances, and, still, and still ....
... ... what can outproduce, outyield, out-inspire more than the hungriest human....
acting more times to imitate those who came before who did it best... a timeless secret.

Handful of many "FREE CLICK" websites, where either arriving or clicking on arrival saves lives!
There's no way you can save lives without the world repaying you generously!
As sites die, others appear to take their place. Feeding starving kids with free clicks?
What an excellent way to attract Newtonian repayment. Click 100x-plus, you even feel taller!

Feed Hungry in Brazil       Feed Veterans With A Click! -- Now!

Polish Hunger Site (Click the tummy)      

TheHungerSite - one click, one life saved       Donate Bread (Click Loaf)       The Child Health Site

Kid's Hospital In Mexico

Helping other people, particularly helping others to help themselves; call it a selfish tool.
The Psychology of Shortcuts warrants, as does the Psychology of Longevity, always,
that you cannot habitually save lives without getting repaid, perhaps exponentially.
Free clickthroughs to stimulate donations of thoughtful organization bring profit.

Even if it sounds trite or corny, the more we give, the more we tend to get.

Give Free Books Literacy Site      

- Just click each button, hit CTRL W to close each window. Great!

New York Charities      Feed a Big Cat

Animal Rescue Site

Help Animals - (      

Meals for Dogs      

PLEASE remember that shortcuts work best when we best work our best shortcuts.
That might be half a mouthful. Don't underestimate how valuable it is.
No one gets better accidentally. This is how we get best results!

Additional shortcuts sites for your delectation & edification:       Shapetalking 

Shortcuts work like clockwork for masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires
Those with the broken and shattered records have more right to speak, to opine, to teach, than all the rest of us combined, no?

Make use of your best shortcuts, and see how quickly they serve you, in return.
No one makes it to the top of the heap without intention, so, climb higher, on purpose!!
It's as simple as identiying and then imitating the people repeatedly doing it best!
Masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires: our best role models.


Pertaining To Premium One Word Domains For Sale

For ANYONE selling, leasing, renting, exhibiting on the internet, more traffic is about as core as interests can be.
Bringing the world to us has got to be decidedly, significantly advantageous to not having anyone able to find you.

Buying one-word domains, particuarly premium domains, ought to be easy, and affordable.
That's why offers thousands of premium one-word domains .. affordably.

Under "Put Up or Shut Up" Division, every month,
hundreds of domains are offered for up to 99% less than the .com estimated valuie or sale price.
Obviously, good .com's are gone. We have some, they usually cost a bit more.
Even so, premium domains are heavily discounted from estimated value of each.

Vitally - and useful to you - are .work domains.
A) .work is a statement as well as a top-level domain. TLD means every nation with internet can visit.

B) .work is the next-best domain to .com, in our view, and experience. We've put plenty atop search engines. and are just two examples of domains ranked highly for multiple keyphrases.

There are only a few rules to high ranking, and no need to pay a dime to learn them, or deploy them successfully.

1) Relevant content. That's the alpha. 2) No, not 200 words. You know your subject. Share a couple of thousand words!
Give at least most of your best secrets and shortcuts away freely. People gravitate to licit givers. No money-grubbing!!

3) Get backlinks from respected sites. One great shortcut and time-saver is to build your own respectable backlinks.
Do that by building many websites. Duplicate as you wish; ensure each page is unique by at least dozens of words.

We've long counted this as cohenology: "Simultaneously using SEVERAL of the best methods."

More to the point of this paragraph set, one-word domains provide an enormous, truly enormous advantage.
Among the biggest open secrets of the internet, of search engine rankings, that you don't know yet,
is the indisputable reality that search engines could not care less if a domain is a .com domain!
Search engines care about what's BEFORE the dot, not after. Take advantage of this secret.

One great keyword in domain that's NOT .com routinely beats two-word .com domain. True!
What comes before that dot is the keword or keyphrase that search engines rank higher.
Having the keyword or keyphrase in the domain is what boosts the SEO value for you.

Yes, some exceptional combinations of two words automatically get good rankings:

Thus, Advertibles also offers you a limited range of exquisite two-word domains.
Most, however, are one-word domains, delicious and obviously premium names.

Main objective is to get them into the hands of real humans, over corporations.

Affordable premium domains, most of them one word, some .com, some .work.

Everyone should have a domain, and the advantages of a premium domain.
Having a one-word domain is simply cool, fun, AND advtangeous, too.
Give yourself that advantage, if you wish, with Advertibles, LLC.
Here are some of the selling websites (themselves for sale, too!)             OneWordDomains.US        and are an interesting set of premium domain sales. Thing is, you buy one, we gift you the other.
Bonuses are not a reason to buy!!! Bonuses are a reason to be glad you did. Repeat buyers tend to be happy buyers.
We think it's hard for any company in history to show feedback quite like our buyers feedback online. Proof? and are two domains we forwarded to our one-time Ebay store.
Feedback from buyers was still displayed as of March 2022, and we hope they speak volumes to you.
No company in human history that we know of has buyer feedback to match. Best of the best?
That feedback was for supercharged lasers, Megabeams, Foodboosters, QVials, Torroids, etc.
While that technology is unique, unlikely to be replicated for many decades to come,
the emf-remediating and pain-relieving and speed-healing of animal wounds was just part of the equation!
The largest part is, of course, making a habit of delivering more than promised. It's a form of ultimate proof.

Again, imitate the people doing it best, and we're all assured of imitating - or nearly so - the results they get.

Bottom line: There are only so many one-word premium domains available; affordably, at any rate. What's Your one word?

Best of the Best Shortcuts In YOUR Psychology of Shortcuts
This is YOUR time of opportunity to grow & get better!

Living the Psychology of Shortcuts day after day, simply imitating whoever repeatedly does it best,
it's virtually impossibly not to achieve better and best results. These PROVE the best shortcuts.
No shortcut you ever encounter in your life is as powerful as imitating masters and champions.
"Who shows it best knows it best."
Honest to goodness, it's just that simple. The ultimate shortcut, fastest shortcut.
If you knew better, you'd certainly do better. Until you do - using your best shortcuts relentlessly,
invest your time identifying and imitating the best of the best of whatever it is YOU would be best at.

Some relevant tags:
#shortcuts #bestshortcuts #mastersecrets #selfhelp #excellence #mastery #imitatingmasters

Your best is still inside of you, awaiting no one else but YOU, making a decision to get better and better.
No one ever gets to be their best.. accidentally. Your best intentions & repeated actions yield your best results.

Adding one percent effort with any repetition assures you the fruits of the greatest success shortcuts.