Achievement Shortcuts of Masters, Millionaires, Champions, Billionaires  

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Everything changes for the better when you embrace your Best Shortcuts Approach.
No one can succeed for you. At best, they can lead you and teach you to help yourself.

Multiply your probabilities with ANY achievement by setting a specific goal and a specific deadline.
Then we list all of the agencies and individuals and private organizations that can help you get there.
By asking more people more times each, you guarantee and assure an acceleration of your successful results.
Please, please, stop pretending to know more than those who repeatedly succeed more than you have up until now.
Those who repeatedly perform the best prove to know better than all the rest of us how they repeatedly succeed as they do.
Do not allow yourself to sleep this day or night until you have identified at least a few who are living as you wish to do.
These are your role models for developing your own sense of your own version of the Best Shortcuts Approach.
Speak as they speak, aim as they aim, act as they act... and you will get similar results for your efforts.
These are the ways of those who do, know, and show better, over and over and over again,
those whose lives are examples of how to embrace their own Best Shortcuts Approach.
Let's make today more exciting by learning more, so we can all live and give more.

These are core features and functions of a personalized Best Shortcuts Approach.

Welcome to the largest personal website on the Internet.
1,000+ unique websites, all free, sharing the secrets of success,
the high-powered shortcuts to greater health, excellence, & wealth.

1,000+ visibly or invisibly unique websites... just for you.
These are the shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires:
Accelerating health, wealth, success, and happiness, through high-powered shortcuts of your role models.
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       Each & every one of these sites were built by a single pair of hands   --   Over 47,000 highly-focused hours!   --   just for you.  

Empower yourself with the greatest natural health resource. Nothing else comes close,
with uncountable thousands of unique pages at the Best Shortcuts Approach,
because the more we know, the stronger and longer we tend to live.
The longer and stronger we live, the more we tend to give.
and that's where Mr-Shortcut shares PowerGems: if you're willing to learn, you will learn how to win faster,
how to accelerate your results in pretty much any and every human endeavor you can name.

If you're interested in living stronger and living longer, you've probably come to the right place:
The Best Shortcuts Approach is part of the "Masters and Millionaires" network created by your Godfather of Shortcuts,
which, combined, creates the world's largest naturopathic website, and certainly the one our healthiest and wealthiest websites.
Jump in and learn more. The Best Shortcuts Approach is free for your life,
in hope of you learning more in order to live more so you can give more.
Thank you.

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Best Shortcuts and WHY we provide them here

These are the best shortcuts of our role models, which specifically means
the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires,
the best shortcuts of those who do it the best.
You will find that you get immediately better at just about everything with these great shortcuts.

They are, naturally, designed for your life, to make your life better, and hopefully,
to help improve the lot of those around you who just have less.

Contrary to popular belief, working hard is not enough to establish a good life,
not in these parlous times of greed and surfeit gone exponential.

As Professor Howard Zinn, one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century clearly laid out,
the tiny few who control the vast majority of resources do everything possible within their means
to prevent too many new people from entering their putatively hallowed circles.

In plain English, some seven percent of the nation
owns or controls more than eighty percent of all the cash in this country.
This happens because their greed is both tolerated and promoted by the "elements of power."
As well, it is because of the multitude of sheeple who pay five dollars for a cup of coffee...
a five-cent cup of coffee filled with the belief that others will respect you more if you buy it.
We certainly can't fail to include the mindless morons who buy five-dollar shirts for a hundred dollars,
simply and only because it has someone else's name on it. Why not just buy the five-dollar shirt and use a pen?

Numbers don't lie; only people do.
Masters and Millionaires feel a responsibility to help all to help themselves.
Thus you have the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires,
the best shortcuts of those who do it the best,
because we actually want YOU to succeed faster
with the great secrets and shortcuts of world-class achievers.
This is the one and only peaceful way to defeat the vicious and greedy:
E D U C A T I O N       and       A C T I O N.