Welcome to the largest free website ever created - more than one million unique pagesRemember 911day. LIVE the dreams we shared. Live & Give more! LIVE more DO more GIVE more Remember 911day Welcome to a MOST amazing journey into the mind Built for YOU to succeed faster. The only website on the internet with rainbows of links - 7,000,000 hotlinks for YOU!
Best Shortcuts and WHY we provide them here
the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires,
the best shortcuts of those who do it the best.
You will find that you get immediately better at just about everything with these great shortcuts.
They are, naturally, designed for your life, to make your life better, and hopefully,
to help improve the lot of those around you who just have less.
Contrary to popular belief, working hard is not enough to establish a good life,
not in these parlous times of greed and surfeit gone exponential.
As Professor Howard Zinn, one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century clearly laid out,
the tiny few who control the vast majority of resources do everything possible within their means
to prevent too many new people from entering their putatively hallowed circles.
In plain English, some seven percent of the nation
owns or controls more than eighty percent of all the cash in this country.
This happens because their greed is both tolerated and promoted by the "elements of power."
As well, it is because of the multitude of sheeple who pay five dollars for a cup of coffee...
a five-cent cup of coffee filled with the belief that others will respect you more if you buy it.
We certainly can't fail to include the mindless morons who buy five-dollar shirts for a hundred dollars,
simply and only because it has someone else's name on it. Why not just buy the five-dollar shirt and use a pen?
Numbers don't lie; only people do.
Masters and Millionaires feel a responsibility to help all to help themselves.
Thus you have the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires,
the best shortcuts of those who do it the best,
because we actually want YOU to succeed faster
with the great secrets and shortcuts of world-class achievers.
This is the one and only peaceful way to defeat the vicious and greedy:
E D U C A T I O N and A C T I O N.
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Best-Shortcuts.com/Health Index
There certainly is a "best in you." The Best Shortcuts Approach proves it.
The Best Shortcuts Approach suggests that we haven't seen the best of you yet.
Please, pipe down; Take two really good long deep breaths right now, SLOWLY!!
If you cannot kick the top of your bedroom doorframe in your sixth decade,
be quiet and listen to someone who does, although not as often as before.
Take a good long deep breath. More important than sucking air IN,
of far greater benefit to you is the complete exhalation.
You want to know about PowerGems?
Forget everything else you might learn here.
The more times you empty your lungs completely each day,
the more your brain continues to function with crackling increases.
Yes, you can continue to get brighter and smarter every day of your life,
with this one single most crucial resouirce for your success: reasonably clean oxygen.
It is a promise and a one-conditional guarantee, based exclusively on how many times you use it.
Exhaling completely leaves you out of air, which then leads to a generous deep breath that revives,
while you've just expelled both physical and emotional toxins, more than you have proven to understand.
This is the greatest of all PowerGems, because it's the most guaranteed of all:
The more times you fully FULLY exhale every day, the smarter your brain gets.
There are no exceptions to the rule. This works for the mentally retarded,
this works for those who are brilliantly developed, and most of all,
it absolutely works for you. The brain works better and faster.
Don't be stupid and hyperventilate a hundred times per hour.
Be smart and exhale completely at least once every hour.
Yes, every hour of your life, at least one good breath.
Each and every time you do it, you boost your brain.
Do it for a thousand days and you, too,
will be shattering world records.
Absolutely, doubly guaranteed.
Breathe, dummy.
PS - Of the few who are smart enough to shut up and breathe in this sixty seconds,
only three of one hundred are predicted to do it far beyond this minute.
One hour from now, you need to do it again, hm? In 22 days, you'll have a habit.
The single healthiest habit of the tens of thousands of habits we can choose to adopt.
The single healthiest habit that any human will ever take, and, oh, yes, it boosts the brain, too.
Never mind the increases to immune system, reaction times, digestive function, skin quality, and more.
Forget all of those benefits, or even that you are absolutely assured of living better longer when you breathe more.
Focus only on the fact that every time you fully exhale, your brain operates better and faster.
The Best Shortcuts Approach of Masters and Millionaires,
because even you deserve a fan club.
Masterlinks are just the tip of the iceburg.
No human could review of all what Mr-Shortcut crafted,
mostly because each of us needs entirely individualized terms.
We accept what we accept because we base our thoughts on opinions.
The Best Shortcuts Approach hopes to encourage more fact-based thought.
Whatever you may decide, it is a privilege to introduce the single most mind-blowing human you will ever meet.
Connected herein you will find hundreds of thousands of unique creations from the prolific MisterShortcut.
One treat is that you can touch any character button on your keyboard, upper-case or lower-case,
on more than half a million pages, to visit another engagingly interactive Mr-Shortcut site.
Over a thousand different websites, half a million unique pages, countless mirror pages,
richly packed with wisdom gleaned from masters and millionaires and champions,
all within your instant and easy use to bring you faster and better results.
You are in for the shock of a lifetime when you apply one PowerGem,
living the shortcuts used by those who repeatedly achieve more.
Those who do it best know it best. They ALL have shortcuts.
You exist in someone's Best Shortcuts Approach.
Embrace it for yourself, now and repeatedly.
Every human effort has great shortcuts.
No exception has ever been found.
This guarantees excellence.
Accelerated excellence
So, speak less.
Do more.
Ask ten people to help you get what you want and you will have it ten times faster than you do now, as long as you ask all ten of them today.
That's both the catch and the guarantee. Zoom past everyone around you with this one shortcut, this one PowerGem, the most powerful statement you have ever heard, the most useful power you will ever possess for getting what you want. Ask yourself, ask other people, and see your results multiplying in as little as a single day. Those who actually do anything accelerated for one hundred consecutive days tend to double their results; although some triple their results, fewer quadruple their results, and one percent - those who do something a hundred times per day for a hundred consecutive days - who tend to multiply their results exponentially, because they used their shortcuts exponentially.
Success shortcuts are all around us. People who are successful do not succeed accidentally!
We repeatedly see success shortcuts used by those who perform at the top of the human food chain.
Because they are common traits to all or most of the masters and champions who produce the most and best,
their daily words and their actions are the actual success shortcuts that they use not to get to where they are today!
It is after winning the first few times that champions become most keenly aware of which steps actually won the day.
When you see people repeating their excellence over and over again, you have to see they're using their success shortcuts.
Don't undersimplify and don't complicate to distraction. Whoever and wherever you are, you have certain identifiable traits.
for example, although we haven't met, you and I both know that you're willing to admit there are people smarter than you,
it just never happens to be the person you are currently speaking to. That's partly why you're so awestruck by celebrities.
You gawk because you want to look at someone who simply had the courage to try it a hundred times, repeatedly.
Haven't you ever noticed that it's the one perfect commonality? Lana Turner discovered at Shrafft's?
Rest assured that very few soda jerks make it to the top of the movie star ladder in these days.
What you do so see are people willing to knock on a hundred doors, and another hundred.
The single biggest secret of life and you're wondering what to do next. You can stop.
Now, it's your turn to shine. Let's get you up the human food chain at least once.
Let's double your results at least once, then we'll see about repeating it.
One day, big changes, big results, with a single decision to commit.
That's the alpha and omega of the Best Shortcuts Approach,
understanding that there are many great shortcuts.
It's that simple, that fast,and that powerful.
Every facet of your life improves quickly.
Every facet gets better and better,
and, you get there ever faster.
It's the ride of a lifetime.
YOUR lifetime.
Do it now,
not later.
Remember that the Best Shortcuts Approach works within you around the clock, asleep and awake.
Your choice revolves around how deeply, and how often you use YOUR Best Shortcuts Approach,
which is deliciously rich with the most successful shortcuts of our most successful role models.
Shortcuts and yet more shortcuts, with reason.
You've reached what is claimed to be the "Shortcuts Capital of the World."
That carries a responsibility to provide shortcuts, then more shortcuts, and even more shortcuts,
because the bulk of all great achievements deliver them to us.
If another human has done it before, whatever "it" is you would master,
is it not incumbent upon you to imitate their steps to imitate their results?
This is the time of your life, the opportunity to get a bit better with each day.
Allowing the Best Shortcuts Approach within you to awaken you is a journey of delight.
With shortcuts for Longevity and shortcuts for dating, shortcuts for wealth and riches,
shortcuts for sales closing and shortcuts for piano playing,
the fact is, there are shortcuts for everything.
Shortuts for succeeding faster,
from our great pioneers,
those who led the way
first among us all.
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Welcome to the largest free website that will ever be created by one pair of hands.Along with tributes to our heroes and victims of 911day, and facts/observations about one of the Death of Justice In America, the vast bulk of these pages are made up of the primary shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions, and billionaires.Welcome to the world's biggest personal empowerment siteComprised of 1,000,000 separate web pages contained on far more than 1,000 unique empowerment sites, all tied together. Dedicated to the late, great Monsignor Bernard Francis Kellogg, Oprah, and the world-changing generosity of Paul Newman (anyone who gives away a hundred million dollars worth of food gets applause)... and, most of all, dedicated to you.Dedicated specifically to YOU becoming a master, a millionaire, a champion, a billionaire. Welcome to the world's largest free websiteNot a dime changed hands on this project of shortcuts, designed to increase America's population of masters and millionaires by a mere one percent. This means that 70,000 of 290,000,000 people in America are invited to join the ranks of the most achieved, most fulfilled people among us, those whom we count as role models: masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires... ...masters of the Best Shortcuts Approach |