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20% of all the employees produce 80% of the results.
These people earn, on average, 4x the income of those in the bottom 80%.
When you are in the top 20% of the top 20%, you are now in the top 4%
THESE people earn, on average, 16x the earnings of those in the bottom 80%

When you are in the top 20% of the top 20% of the top 20%,
you are in the top .08%
THESE people earn, on average, 52x the earnings of those in the bottom 80%

They do NOT produce 52x as much,
They do NOT produce 16x as much,
They do NOT produce four times as much as you.

They generally get one more success for every ten or twelve tries.  
You read that correctly: learn how to get just ONE more 'yes,'
one more success for every ten or twelve tries,
and your income will double and triple that quickly.

Moving up the ladder does NOT require any great intelligence,
  or friends in high places, or even great talent.

This is a clear fact of life proven by the experiences and words of more than 4100 self-made millionaires interviewed ONE AT A TIME in 1994 1995, and 1996. Having great intelligence, talent or ‘connections’ are helpful... yet the majority of top producers make it up the ladder by repeatedly using the Shortcuts of Success. One of the great powers you can tap into is, simply enough, knowing and acting upon the knowledge that it is not WHAT you say that determines the outcome of a conversation; it is HOW you say it. Tap into this Power Tool again and again for 2 weeks, and see for yourself. Is this fair enough?

It's staring you right in the face.     No more ignoring the magical happy tricks that work.

The horse that wins a race takes home DOUBLE what the second-place horse earns and and more than four times what the third place horse gets to take home. The winner does not run twice as fast, and doesn't even have to beat the second and third-place horses by much. In fact, the winner will earns double and more even if he only wins by a fraction of a second!. The first horse to win a million dollars was a horse named Achmed. (Actually, the horse didn't win a dime... his owners did, since banks still refuse to honor a horse's hoofprint as a signature).
A newspaper reporter compared the earnings of Achmed, and another horse that also ran in every race that same year as Achmed. How useful to YOU to learn that, although Achmed earned over a million dollars that year, the other horse earned just about one hundred thousand dollars... a TEN to ONE ratio -- although Achmed did not run anywhere NEAR ten times faster than Achmed. In fact, in all of the races that they both competed in, there was only an eight percent difference in their times. Not ten times faster, not even five times faster, or even twice as fast.

Eight percent faster.
How is this instantly useful to you?   Good question.    Read on.


The NY Daily News had an article about professional baseball players' salaries that attracted my attention, and ended up revealing a utile PowerGem. You see, basic calculations tell us that the typical pro baseball player who has a batting average of .270 (that means he's gotten 27 hits for every 100 times he's stepped up to bat) earns, on average, $205,000 per year in salary.   Meanwhile, the player who has a batting average of .300 earns, on average, about $570,000 per year. He's earning almost TRIPLE the salary of the guy batting .270

My question to you is, does the player getting the $570,000 get three times as many hits as the player earning $205,000?  Of course not.   In fact, he only gets one additional hit for every twelve tries! For that little difference, that little bit extra, he earns almost three times as much money. Similar to the horse who wins the race, it only takes about eight or nine percent difference of output in order to produce a far, far greater result and reward.

Don't kid yourself into thinking that life is all that different. We began this topic referring to the people in the top 20%, and the top 20% of the top 20%, and so on.  Again and again we see the influence of Pareto's Principle, which states clearly that 80% of all results come from 20% of all efforts.   Let's break that down into a few smaller pieces, and commingle it with what we've covered so far so that YOU can make use of it quickly.
You might start with a simple tracking exercise: Take 3 pieces of paper, one for each of the next three days.   On it, list 24 separate hours, and as each waking hour goes by, write down exactly what you did for that hour, and whether you did it with low effort, medium effort, or superstar effort. Three days only.
At the end of the three days most people are astounded to see how many, many minutes they waste each and every day on minor activities and conversations.
The first step in effective time management is to see how many minutes and hours are thoroughly wasted each week, then trade at least some of those frittered minutes and hours away for better minutes. One huge chunk is generally found just on useless conversations with people that have nothing to do with reaching your long-term, mid-term, and short-term goals. Invest more of those minutes writing down a list of people and organizations who MIGHT be able to help you get what you want.
Believe it or not, fully 80% of your time is absurdly underused. Creating a three-day written accounting of your time will prove this to you, and provide a little push in a smarter direction --- using your time more intelligently, for more benefit to you and to others.
Roughly 80% of all the times you ask for something, you only ask once. Without a doubt, this is easily counted among the costliest mistakesof your life, because ASKING is beyond question the single greatest power available to you from birth to death in achieving and/or attaining absolutely anything and everything a human desires. ASK MORE, dummy!
Think about it: 80% of the time, birth to death, you only ask once. What a foolish waste. That's why you don't hear the word "YES" far more often. When you stop asking just because you've heard "NO," you're depriving yourself of so much more than you apparently realize; truly a life-depriving waste of your single greatest resource, the resource of simply asking. The truth and proof of this is literally multiplied when we clearmindedly examine the fact that 80% of all the 'yeses' you hear in this life are purely and exclusively because you asked considerably more than once.
It can be compared to a typical telemarketer who might ask for the sale one time, hear the negative response, and then hang up and go to the next one.
When you stop and think how many times the telemarketer has to dial that phone just to get one decision maker on the line, it's crazy to let go without giving their best shot, by asking two, three, four, five, even six and seven times. The undeniable fact is:
From birth to death, 80% of all the times we hear "YES," it is only and exclusively because we have asked six or seven times. You can like it, you can dislike it; this fact hasn't changed in thousands of years, and it's not likely to change for you. Should you use enough PowerGems to learn how to get every other person to say yes to you, great. For the purposes of this exercise in creating new millionaires, you do not need to be a great persuader... only a persistent one.
You must learn to ask more times, so that the 20% of your efforts that produce... will produce more.
You see, if you're asking someone for something, and that person is in a position to say yes, their use of the word "No," does not actually mean "NO!" It means, "NOT YET."      That's right; it only means that you have not giem sufficient reason to say yes.
Ask again.   And again...  ... and again.  It works.


Don't tell me I'm right or wrong;
show me that I'm right or wrong.

You have NO right to a valid opinion...
until you first do it at least ten or more times.

So, please, don't tell us what you think.... show us.

Your numbers speak so loudly that you need not say a word.


It's not THE EVENT.... It's how you
to THE EVENT that determines the outcome

REACT.....or .......RESPOND.



Brush your knees off;
move on to the next success.
Without exception, the outcome of every event is based NOT on the event
rather, how you personally choose to respond to the event.




If you believe you've got what it takes,
why not hush up & show it?

These are the truest magical shortcuts,
direct from the mouths of more than a thousand millionaires.
What else needs saying? Stop talking.


  • What is the desired end?

  • How many ways can you produce to get it done?
  • Put it in writing in the next 100 seconds.

Shut up          SHUT UP           SHUT UP!
Everything else is mere twaddle, idle talk. Do it!!  

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