Getting More Out Of Life With the Best Shortcuts Approach |
NOTE: Write a short note to ten people who are already world-class at whatever YOU would like to be world-class at. Acknowledge with civility that they are among the best in the world, that you're inviting them to lunch or dinner in hope that they'll be a one-time 30-minute mentor to someone who wants to grow up just like them. |
It is specifically because of this one high-powered shortcut that I most likely play guitar and piano better than you; paint; compose songs; created the largest, and possibly prettiest personal web site in existence, connecting over 1,000,000 web pages on 1,089± websites tied together for your self-empowerment - your immediate self-empowerment with great shortcuts.... all by my own hand, and more. I'm no smarter than you. I simply have a burning desire to be excellent... and to be recognized for the effort required of excellence. That means a willingness to shut up and find people who are doing it better than I am. The good fortune, The Best Shortcuts Approach "good luck" of breaking so many records is a direct result and use of one high-powered shortcut: going directly to people who are known to be world-class in their fields and gleaning their shortcuts. I'd like to let you in on a secret: I did not break 177 records at seven large NY companies. We broke all those records. Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't talent; it was hunger. Keep reminding yourself that it's the hungriest person who wins the race. Always. Without a doubt, those records were broken and shattered EXCLUSIVELY through The Best Shortcuts Approach : repeated daily use of the IDENTICAL words, sentences, questions and actions I was able to glean from world-class masters: commonalties of those who are doing it. Making use of this shortcut is absolutely, utterly, and one-conditionally guaranteed to provide you with a rich yield of better, faster results in every human effort. The one condition of course, is that you shut up and put it to use. Everything else is useless chatter. |
The commonality that first leaped into view with each Olympic champion and Fortune 100 CEO; with the fellow in New England who offers over a thousand types of classy, varied, exotic omelets, or the gentleman who, as President of Macy's combined the free world's largest department store with Federated Department Stores and then went on to quickly and completely reverse the ailing state of Zayle's Diamonds (Mr. Anthony DiNicola), is the common trait of wanting something specific, something that could be stated out loud in 10 words or less. I specifically sought people who'd accomplished a great feat or skill not merely once, but numerous times in order to weed out any possibilities of coincidence or so-called luck. I set an arbitrary figure of five separate accomplishments of the same thing as my base minimum, later emending that to three after it became clear that the second demonstration of excellence is ample to prove the value of a specific shortcut. Quite a few surprises! Most notable of all is the simplicity of most of the greatest powers that people continually demonstrate too profound a stupidity to use. That doesn't mean that people are stupid, although some of us are. It means that they act stupidly when they posses something of value and basically throw it into a trash compactor. That's great for an aluminum dealer, not too useful for you, today. The idea of acceleration means, most often, some measurable result within a set period, whether you're asking someone to give you something the day after tomorrow, or right this minute. The simplicity of billionaires telling us again and again and again that they are billionaires just because they ask for what whey want more than anyone else does, has to have some kind of beneficial effect, an instant beneficial effect for those who wish to duplicate the results of masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead. Numerous surprises indeed! Remember, all this information is coming from corporate CEO's who have run several large corporations in most cases, all of whom started without a nickel to their names or similarly "disastrous" or "challenged" beginnings. Those who are doing it better, those who are doing it better, those who are in fact doing it better. Should you have the intelligence to actually use some of what you'll be reading (90% of you, no matter what your education levels are, are so stupid that you will never read most of this book, let alone use the magic found in these pages. Never mind "why," it's just a fact that less than 20% of all books picked up get read cover to cover. For those of you who DO actually make the decision to prove that you are better than we now believe you to be; for those of you who definitively understand WHY we don't have a higher opinion of you, you're going to get pretty excited about whichever techniques make the most sense to you, because every one of them accelerates the quality AND quantity of your results. About five percent of you are going to get astounded and excited, and will be smart enough to consistently use those methods that make the most sense to you. In every examined walk of life, from concentration camp survivors, Olympic gold medalists, successful entertainers, artists, politicians, baseball players... literally every examined walk of life... it turns out that roughly 5% of every group on earth rises up to the top of their field. Are those people who consistently perform in the top five percent smarter? Are they better educated? Better connected w/ people in high places? Wealthier? The answer in each category is a flat, distinct, "NO!" It's been proven so many times over that I'm not even going to waste your time establishing the basis for the statement. I'll simply ask you to accept it as a given. So, what is it about these five of every hundred who rise to the top? Do they have commonalities? Do they do some specific thing or possess something special that we "regular joes and janes" can tap into? I give you an unconditional guaranteed "YES!" Yes, they have commonalities. Yes, they possess something special that you and I can tap into. Wait until you hear the best part: you can tap into the same resources that they are, and begin effecting big changes in your life --- in a matter of minutes! MINUTES!!! Is there a catch? You bet there is. More than one, in fact. I'd say that the toughest catch/obstacle to you making radical improvements in your life is nothing more, or less, than making a decision that this is what you want. I kid you not. The decision to figure out a way to get ___________ or to be __________; this is where your biggest challenge can be found. Figuring out "HOW" is a piece of cake compared to making the decision itself that you'll go to work on it. Get through this first step, and you will come to understand over the coming days and weeks that you really ARE making big, big changes in your life. Actually use pen and paper in the next 10 minutes, I promise you'll see changes within 72 hours. Most importantly from your own short-term point of view, you WILL see a daily or weekly progression that's faster than it's ever been for you before, and that's the whole point, hm? You are now visiting the Ultimate Self-Empowerment Website. with 1,000,000-plus web pages - for you! © Mr-Shortcut MrShortcut- all rights reserved for those who feed hungrier people. More action, less talk! Dedicated to the world-class role model known as Bernie Kellogg, obm, and the world-changing Oprah. May someone be born today determined to give away as much food as Mr Newman must certainly qualify as one of the greatest human beings who have ever lived. Millions of empty stomachs filled by Paul Newman and HIS use of great shortcuts! What a superstar triple grand-slam home run this man's life has proven to be, because Paul Newman is truly a master of shortcuts. |
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The whole purpose of the Best Shortcuts Approach, summarily, is to help you to help yourself, now,
The better you do, the faster you get to your place of strength, the sooner you may reach to others.
There are so many millions and millions of people who do not have one-hundredth what you do.
Take what you have and squeeze more out of it specifically to multiply what you obtain and attain.
No one on earth can do it for you. Please, stop listening to the opinions of anyone who is not about excellence.
If they really knew better, they would do better. Then and only then are they in a position to guide or advise or admonish you.
Those who do the best tend to know it the best, so stop listening to the opinions of those who are not proving to know and do better.
It's such a simple concept, and yet you repeatedly demonstrate no knowledge of it whatsoever, by buying nationally-advertised items of low quality.
The Best Shortcuts Approach is about you taking more control of your opinions, and the action that they feed.
The Best Shortcuts Approach is about you investing your money in you rather than just consuming.
It means investing in your future, investing in your health, and helping the least among us.
These are the most magnificent shortcuts of wealth that accelerate your progress.
Please, stop forcing YOUR opinions on us, just like so many other naysayers.
Like them, if you knew better, you'd do better, right? Heed those who do.
Stop consuming items costing two or even fifty times what they're worth.
A ninety-nine cent t-shirt is only worth a dollar or two, not a hundred.
Stupidity is buying a 99-cent t-shirt for a hundred dollars, hm?
If it's not about growth, or keeping you alive and safe,
that money is not yours to fritter at Starbucks.
If you wish not to invest in your tomorrows,
invest those three dollars into life,
buying food for the starving.
With over a million unique pages at a thousand-plus Mr-Shortcut sites,
it would be challenging indeed for any fair person to refute the claim:
Largest Self-Empowerment Website Online
... and it's all for you
the Best Shortcuts Approach of Winners and High Achievers, Role Models and Leaders
is the result of reading a book or so each day for fifteen thousand days and beyond,
intervewing and|or breaking bread with just over 5,200 true winners,
masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead... role models,
and personally applying their greatest shortcuts for acceleration.
It's been a pleasure building it for you. Make the most of it.
Then, please, feed hungrier people.
With your mind in mind,