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    Impressive Testimonials for Bodyscans - Accurate Biofeedback Information


I had an experience with the BodyScan regarding a pet of mine, but my personal experience came when I went for a pap smear at my medical doctor’s office. The test results showed I had candida and a bacterial infection, for which I was treated with antibiotics. I didn’t like the idea of taking antibiotics because it created a chain reaction of symptoms and didn’t really seem to correct the problem.

Then I got scanned by the BodyScan and the practitioner gave me homeopathic remedies. I was cleared of all symptoms in three weeks! I was really amazed. Homeopathics are so much less invasive than antibiotics, and they worked better! Besides, there were no side effects.
When I went back to my doctor to have a polyp removed from my cervix, there was no evidence of the vaginal infection. I’m glad I had a medical diagnosis initially, and that I was able to treat it successfully with homeopathics.


BioSyntony  |  BioSyntony 2  |  BioSyntony 3  |  BioSyntony 4  |  BioSyntony 5 |  BioSyntony 6
Ayurvedic Medicine   |  Acoustic Cardiograph   |  Harmony   |  Bodyscan2010       Stress I   |  Chiropractic
Coldcure   |  BodyScan Newspaper Article I   |  Rife Technology  |  Doctors   |  Doctors II   |  E.M.I.
Health   |  Health2   |  Herbal Medicine   |  Herbal Medicine II   |  Index  |  Infratonic Pain Relief
Breath of Life   |  Pain Relief   |  Masters and Millionaires   |  Bodyscan Article II   |  Mineral Infrared Therapy
Mineral Infrared Therapy Theory   |  YOUR Medical Dollars   |  Newspaper Article
Flower Essence Therapy   |  Naturopathic Medicine   |  Naturopathy II   |  Oregano   |  Oxygen Therapy   |  Contents   |  QXCI   |  Dr. Richard Gerber Testimonial
Psoriasis  |  Endorsements  (Patients, Doctors, Practitioners, etc)
Chelation Therapy   |  Masters and Millionaires - eye candy tour

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© Mr_Shortcut
All rights reserved for those who reach out to starving people.

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In loving memory of Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, obm,
and his most ardent student, herein known as Mr_Shortcut
No thanks could suffice for the inspiration of Paul Newman,
gradually and with determination earning many tens of millions of dollars,
then using those dollars to feed starving people in countries all around the world.
What a purely class act.   If and when I ever grow up, Paul Newman will be my role model:
master, millionaire, and champion -- that's worth more than all the billionaires I know, and that's quite a few.

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Every day you waste is filled with minutes - opportunities - you cannot get back.
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Stop forming opinions. Most of them have proved useless to you. Process information carefully.
Trading just one of every ten petty chatty minutes for a minute of your best thinking gives you profit.
The only opinions you can benefit from are the opinions of those who have repeatedly done it successfully.
The Best Shortcuts Approach is the ultimate in self-empowerment, with the Godfather of EyeCandy, for YOU are the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
indubitably YOUR shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Best Shortcuts Approach is free for your life

Help the Best Shortcuts Approach to help TheHungerSite feed starving folks - NO CHARGE

You ARE an actual hero
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Clicking this food button and the one that pops open, you save a human life... no charge to you.
This is a prime function of the Best Shortcuts Approach.   What goes up ...

Clickthrough Donations - Using Your Best Shortcuts Approach
Sweeter yet, they are FREE clickthrough donations that you make

Do not underestimate the power of donations via free clickthroughs.
The effect on you alone is worth the clickthrough donation. It may yet transform you.
Every time you save a life with a free clickthrough, excellent vibrations abound.
Each time you save a resource with a free clickthrough, you save the planet.
Imagine how you're going to feel when you get to a thousand of each.
Care2.com even keeps track of your free donations if you so wish.
Even more giving, your free emails EACH create more donations.
Save lives, change the world with free clickthroughs daily.

Get more from yourself and the assets you have access to, and more so with the Best Shortcuts Approach.

Every day you waste is filled with minutes - opportunities - you cannot get back.
Take the time to stop every single day to enumerate clearly the top five items of the day.
Stop forming opinions. Most of them have proved useless to you. Process information carefully.
Trading just one of every ten petty chatty minutes for a minute of your best thinking gives you profit.
The only opinions you can benefit from are the opinions of those who have repeatedly done it successfully.
The Best Shortcuts Approach is the ultimate in self-empowerment, with the Godfather of EyeCandy, for YOU are the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
indubitably YOUR shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Best Shortcuts Approach is free for your life

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TheHungerSite - one click, one life saved

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